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I want to give a hand for the job seeker across the United States

 Mr. Kenji Shiota

Tell us about what you do

I worked in the city of Tokyo after graduating college from there. Then I came to New York, worked as a salesperson for Newspaper Company before entering Interesse. It has been three years past from now. After working here for 3 years, I am now able to work with much better flow and understanding. I basically do business with the other companies. I provide advices, and needs for the companies that are located primarily in New York, New Jersey and Tri ?State. This is year I am hoping to extend my range and visit such places like mid west where I never had a chance to meet companies in those areas. I also hope to help and cultivate, starting businesses with American companies. I have not encountered that many job hunters yet, but when the job hunter comes for an interview, I am there to see them directly to provide what the atmosphere and what type of working they are going to work with. Sometime, I am there to answer questions of doubt and worries these job seekers have.

What do you do besides work?

Other than work, I play baseball during my day offs. I play for a baseball team for Japanese League in New York. I’m usually there to practice or playing game on Sundays. However, because many of my teammates are working for media related occupations, when there are incident that corresponds to their work, they would simply just fly away towards that location. Because of that, there were times we were so close from forfeiting our games. But luckily that never happened to us yet. However, I always wonder how long these things going to last. I like sport in general. I especially like ski, tennis, and mountain biking.

Message for the companies

As I said before, this is year, I want to meet companies that I never had a chance to meet before, and I want to provide and share our services. It is hard to find quality workers within the short span so it is going to take a lot of time. Us Interesse are the professionals of finding quality workers and we like to help those companies who are in search of hiring talented workers. Within the short time, we are confident to find talents who are suited for the companies.

Provided by ProX J

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