人材紹介・派遣会社 ヘルプ
What is an advantage of using ProX J.com?
ProX J.com provides you with...
1. see every-day updated employers and job seekers information
2. search posted jobs and job seekers with our advanced and sophisticated search engine.
3. track all histories between you and customers (employers and jobseekers) with our CRM (Customers Relationship Management) engine.
How do I get latest Information from ProX J.com?
We collect all fresh information such as employers, posted jobs and job seekers. The important information is managed by our secured database in order to share it with you fast.
How employers use ProX J.com?
Employers need to register to use Prox J.com system for free. All it takes is filled required fields such as company name, address and valid email address. After that, they can post jobs limitlessly and choose employment agencies they would like to ask for stuffing services.
Can I search all personal information?
No. You can search in customers who ask you stuffing services, in order to avoid excessively showing important personal information in public.
How do you manage job seeker's information?
We categorize them in skill bases for providing you our advanced search by professional skills from database.
How does "tracking history" work?
All actions have done in ProXJ.com, such as sending “Recommend a job” to job seekers, leave in our database. These actions are called “Track History”, They show you the flows “who” and “when “sent “to whom” “what kind of job” from “what company” Each history has tree structures, therefore, you can see all actions in one job title or one jobseeker.
Also, you can create memos in each history to comment about characteristics of employers, posted jobs and jobseekers. Creating memo is unlimited. Needless to say, only YOU can see your private information.
What kind of companies does ProxJ.com aim to target?
We target companies listed below:
Japanese Companies in the United States (Approximately 4000 companies)
Japanese Divisions in American Companies
Japanese Divisions in multinational corporations.
How do job seekers use ProX J.com?
To use ProX J.com system, jobs eekers need to register. By doing so, they can use all ProX J.com services for free.
How can I see MS-Word formatted Resume in ProX J.com?
A MS-Word formatted Resume is attached in a page of JOB SEEKER INFORMATION. You can download it from the page.
I have own system. How can I synchronize ProX J.com's system and ours?
Our professional system consultants research your system and analyze how to synchronize it to our system. Normally, “system” can be divided into two parts. One is database and the other is system programming. Basically, database should be set up in one side.
If system synchronization is available, how much does it cost? Also how long does it take to do it?
We need to see your system first, please contact us.